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Latest news and insights

Here you’ll find the latest articles from Oxford Innovation and sector insights from our experts on the issues relating to SMEs, innovation and economic development.
Investor event

The angel investment landscape and the Labour government

With the current economic climate in the UK and the new Chancellor’s first budget announcement in October, the investment landscape has become more challenging both for investors and early-stage businesses seeking funds.
CBI Chief Executive visits Oxford Innovation

CBI Chief Executive visits Oxford Innovation to discuss support for SMEs

Oxford Innovation was delighted to host a visit from the Chief Executive of the Confederation of British Industry (CBI), Rain Newton-Smith, and her colleague Kapila Perera, Head of Sharing Economy and Entrepreneurship at the CBI.
Budget 2024

What does the Chancellor’s Autumn 2024 Budget mean for SMEs?

The Chancellor, Rachel Reeves, delivered her first budget statement on Wednesday (30 October 2024), declaring it to be a budget to fix the foundations of our economy and rebuild Britain.
financial management documents

Could improving financial literacy among SMEs be key to economic success?

Accessing finance remains one of the main barriers to growth for leaders of small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) and it is a challenge that has two potential angles for intervention.

Trusted by leading organisations

Oxford Innovation supports economic growth by supporting businesses with Advice, Finance and Space

Reach Robotics Team

We create and manage the spaces for entrepreneurs to innovate and collaborate

Someone demonstrating a pamphlet to someone

We deliver business expertise and advice for leaders of ambitious businesses

Close up of someone typing on laptop

We raise the finance that entrepreneurs need to grow their business

Oxford Innovation Logo

Covid-19 Statement

Update – Wednesday 15th December 2021

Our Innovation Centres remain operational and accessible, and provide a safe environment for our staff and customers. We continue to assess the risk of COVID-19 alongside the latest guidance from government. In the meantime our Innovation Centre remains COVID-19 Secure and fully open for business. Our detailed risk assessment can be found here.